Preparing the Next Generation
Recently my Nephew, an Iowa Tractor Boy decided that he should provide an appropriate experience for his three young Sons. Their current homestead does not have animals, except for a Dog. My Nephew determined that his Sons needed the experience and the opportunity to learn about farm animals in an up close and personal situation.

Here is a picture of the completed cattle lot with appropriate fence and gate. This will allow his Sons to observe farm animals every time they leave the house for school or other endeavors. Besides that, as they mature in age they will have the opportunity to feed and care for the livestock.

Here you see his two oldest Sons picking grass for the young beef stock which will be housed in the new area that has just been fenced in.

As you can ascertain it takes a team effort to place a gate post. It must be set securely to hold the gate in perfect position as well as look good.

Here you see my Nephew and his three sons. It looks like he has lot's of supervision. My Nephew's Dad, my Brother always stated that even though Farming is very challenging, it is still be best place in the World to raise Kids. I suspect that my Nephew has also adopted that mantra.

Two Mature Iowa Tractor Boys and Two Iowa Tractor Boys (In Training) are being appropriately monitored by the Family Pet.
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