Old Time Farming Equipment

Today's post will show you how the Iowa Farm scene looked in 1940. I was born in 1940 but I do recall when my Dad acquired his first tractor in 1944. He farmed 80 acres and retained his team of horses in addition to the new Allis Chalmers Tractor such as you see in the first page of this Blog.
This picture was acquired by a relative of mine who lives in Clayton County, Iowa. It shows the draft horse and some farm equipment from the 1940s and prior time frame. The Amish have a rather large settlement in Southwest Clayton County and they still farm using the old methods and equipment. Certainly interesting to see how things were done a mere 70 years ago.
When you view this picture and reflect back it is realized that one of the reasons that Farm Families during the first half of the last century had a large number of children. Children were a great source of labor as they grew up. Of course my Dad always stated that we were cheaper than a hired hand and that one pair of shoes usually lasted at least a year.
I enjoyed the opportunity to reflect back on the past as a Former Iowa Tractor Boy.
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