Iowa Tractor Boy's 4-H Career (Continued)

Here is a picture of my Jersey Heifer, which was one of my 1957 4-H projects. I also had a Registered Herford Beef Heifer for a project.

I was the oldest of six children. This picture is from 1958 when I was a Senior in High School. This photo was taken on the front lawn of our Parents Home. The home was constructed in 1951 and 1952. The Youngest, standing on the chair arm now owns the Family Farm and resides in this House.

This is a picture of my Jersey in 1958. She had just delivered a calf at the Clayton County fair. On the previous day, her udder was more balanced and she was the Grand Champion Jersey at the fair. Difficult that believe that I had graduated from the Garnavillo Community School a mere three months prior to this picture which was taken during the first weekend of August of 1958.
Great pictures!! Wow! These are just like looking at our own family album!!
I remember the 4-H projects! I always had dairy but my brothers had beef calves. In those days you wanted the calves big and heavy. I especially remember the Herefords with the white faces. It was always a battle between the herefords and the angus!
I like the pictures of your family - pictures with people are always the best. As far as I am concerned, these do not look like old pictures at all - they look just right.
Thanks for sharing these pictures and thoughts and I look forward to seeing more.
Take care.
Hey, your blog and photos are very interesting!
Thanks for leaving a message. I will drop by your blog often!
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