A Place for Iowa Farm Boys and Former Iowa Farm Boys to Share their Stories and Memories
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Former Iowa Tractor Boy at Work in Georgia U.S.A.
Here you see the originator of this Blog in a long sleeved shirt to avoid skin cancer working with his Son as they finish the electric fences around the future pasture for a beef cattle operation. Of course both of us were well supervised by the Young Girl who was a keen observer of our work.
This picture was obtained yesterday, August 14, 2009 near Dublin, Georgia.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Iowa Tractor Boys
Thinking Green
Admittedly not everyone in this picture is a current Iowa Tractor Boy. This Blog Originator now resides in Georgia but you can be sure that every Summer he connects with his Iowa Heritage. Here you see two real Iowa Tractor Boys. Of course the one in the middle is the most proflic Iowa Tractor Boy. In addition to being a Farmer he also works for John Deere. Here you are viewing a Country Church on the edge of an Iowa Corn Field in Clayton County, Iowa. Many of you may not appreciate the fact that farming is one vocation that involves a lot of risk. The weather being the most critical. One hail storm can wipe out an entire year of crop production.
Just as city dwellers appreciate kicking tires at their local automobile retailer, Iowa Tractor Boys enjoy kicking tires at their local implement dealer. Here you are viewing a row of small, general purpose, handy around a farm.
Of course this is one huge Tractor with eight drive wheels. I checked the options list for this Tractor and if you desire the large flotation tires it is a $12,000.00 extra.
This row of Harvesters was also most interesting to view. If you have to ask the price you have no business considering becoming a farmer. Depending on the model and the options you need for your operation you can quickly run up a price tag of at least $350,000.00. Recently I watched a television special on the manufacture of these Harvesters in Moline, Il and learned that you can watch your machine being built and receive a gold key and run your Harvester off of the production line. To learn more about the Gold Key Program please visit:
An Iowa Farm boy from 1940 until 1961 when I joined the Navy. When I was a Farm Boy I was involved in 4-H Club work and I participated in Future Farmers of America while I was in High School. I have fond memories of being a Iowa Farm boy. I am also very proud of my Iowa Farm Boy Heritage.