"The Formation of a Tractor Boy"
Many years ago, My Sister gave the above miniture collection of John Deere Tractors to my Son for Christmas. She was the God parent at his Baptism in 1972. The Tractors have been maintained all these years. The tractor on the top is a "Green" version of the Original Traction Engine which I have discussed in a previous post to this Blog. In fact these tractors have become the genesis of an entire "John Deere" Collection which has been established by this same Son. He does indeed have a John Deere Room in his home.
Because of his John Deere Tractor Collection everyone who knows this "Tractor Boy" in exile in the State of Georgia gives him frequent gifts to add to his John Deere Collection. Shown here is a Tractor given to him by his Father-in-Law.
Because of his John Deere Tractor Collection everyone who knows this "Tractor Boy" in exile in the State of Georgia gives him frequent gifts to add to his John Deere Collection. Shown here is a Tractor given to him by his Father-in-Law.